Tuesday 17 May 2011


To run one motor 


ENABLE PIN --  PIN1--  it is used to control the intensity of current .
wa can vary speeds using the anlog input ,but generally give 5v for fullcurrent supply.

GND--- pin4,5,12,13—connect all this pins to ground.

INPUT—1--pin2 and input—2-- these both are digital pins 

if we give 0 and 1---runs motor in one direction 
if we give 1 and 0---runs motor in opp direction
if we give 0 and 0 --- motor off

NEVER give 1 and 1 circuit blasts.

vs—pin8--12V(max 30V)

vcc—pin16--- 5V

ouput—1--pin7--one end of motor
output 2—pin6--- other end of motor